Monday, January 20, 2014

Week 1 Weigh In Results

This past Saturday (1/18) was my second weigh in.

1/11/14 - 219
1/18/14 - 217

That's 2 pounds down in 1 week.  With this just being the beginning of this new way of eating/weight loss plan, I don't really know if that's actual weight or maybe just water or some other natural fluctuation.  I still haven't taken measurements.  I will do that in the morning, since I'll be coming off of my fast.  I think that will be the true measure, so to speak, of real loss as I go along.

  Saturday was meant to be a fast day.  However, by lunch time I was really hungry.  I had to work and brought an Ideal Shape meal replacement shake with me for my lunch.  However, I was feeling a little queasy off and on because of having too much to drink with friends the night before.

My boss and her friend had cooked a turkey the day before, along with veggies and stuffing, a sort of belated Thanksgiving meal since they bought the turkey for Thanksgiving but never got around to thawing and cooking it.

So, for lunch, instead of my shake, I had a small meal with some turkey meat, green beans, and a spoon full of stuffing.  I did a rough calculation of my calories and was hopeful I could keep from going over, but after I ate that small plate of food, I was still really hungry.  I kept drinking lots of water, but could not feel satisfied, and also still felt a little queasy.  I drank my shake, and that kept me full til later in the evening.  By the evening, I was really hungry again, so just decided to call it a loss for the day.

I decided to just go ahead and have supper and try fasting again on Monday (today).

Exercise - I had a nice long walk with a friend and her nephew yesterday afternoon.

What I've learned this week - I find that on my fast days, it's easier if I wait as long as I can to eat anything.  Once I start eating, then it makes me much hungrier.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Week 1 - Day 7

Today marks 1 week since I've started ADF.

I started last Thursday as a fast day, logging my calories on My Fitness Pal, and then alternating fast days with non fast days.  I had 2 back to back non fast days Tuesday and yesterday (Wednesday), so that I wouldn't be fasting on my days off (Sunday and Wednesday).

I find it easier to fast when I'm working because I'm occupied most of the day and I tend to drink much more water when I'm working.

Overall, this week has not been that difficult.  My hunger pangs on my fast days come and go.  My calories on my fast days this week have come 90% from Ideal Shape ** meal replacement shakes, which I have been drinking 2 of per day, mixed with unsweetened vanilla almond milk and 1 scoop of Macrolife Greens **.  I have also been adding snacks of apples and/or mixed nuts.   At supper time on my fast days, I've been having a cup or 2 of chicken or beef broth, and that seems to quell the hunger pangs at night.

I have 2 flavors of the Ideal Shape - chocolate and vanilla.  If I do a shake with the chocolate I add a serving of the PB2 powdered peanut butter ** that I got at GNC, after reading reviews of it online.   I think that I like the vanilla Ideal Shape better.  It smells like vanilla cake batter and has a very good taste.  The chocolate is good too, not too sweet, but I am liking the vanilla better overall.  I think if I order again I'll just get the vanilla, and add unsweetened cocoa powder if I want a chocolate flavor.

Energy wise, it's been up and down.  I've found that I feel more alert on my fast days.  I can't tell if I've lost weight yet by my clothes, but it's only been a week.  I will do my official weigh in on Saturday morning and report the results.  I'm still debating on whether or not to post photos, even though I do want to take photos at least every couple of weeks to chart my progress visually.

As of this first week, I have not been exercising, other than walking my dog twice daily.  My goal is to start incorporating cardio and strength training into my schedule at least 3 times a week.

I will post my weigh in results on Saturday.

Wish me luck! :)

**Disclaimer:  I am not affiliated with either of these companies, nor have I been paid to use and/or review or given free samples of these products.  I accept no responsibility for any claims their companies make.  I am not a health professional and this site is not intended to be a how to or help site for weight loss, so therefore, please consult your physician before you begin any type of weight loss plan.  I am simply sharing my own personal experience with this way of eating and providing links to the products mentioned here in case the reader has any questions about exactly what the product is that I'm using**

Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 1

Here goes.

1st Weigh in date:  Saturday, January 11, 2014 - 219 lbs

I can't believe I just posted my weight on the internet, but in order to accurately monitor my progress, I have to be brutally honest with myself, and also, because my blogs are rarely read anyway.

The plan:

Alternate Day Fasting or ADF.

Pictures and measurements to come.  I am only weighing myself once a week, every Saturday morning.

I started my first fast day on Thursday, January 9.  I will try to have at least 3 fast days/week.

Failure is not an option!